Hemma Hos Group Exhibition

November 30 – December 15, 2024

During the Hemma Hos Group Exhibition I contributed with two artworks: Mycelia #21 and #30. The two artworks was be displayed together with a small screen showing all 200 artworks from the Art Blocks release in 2023. 

Read more about the project

About Hemma Hos

The initiator of Hemma Hos, Sara-Lo af Ekenstam, is an artist working across different fields and artistic expressions. Since 2014, she has hosted Hemma Hos in her home, exhibiting contemporary art for a single day. At 3:e Våningen, Sara-Lo curates a group exhibition that runs for two weeks.

Participating Artists:

Dimen Abdulla, Johanna Andersson, Ben Baker, Charlotta Bellander, Amalia Bille, Johan Björkegren, Emille de Blanche, Vanna Bowles, Karl Ceder, Camilla Engman, Klara Eriksson, Ann Eringstam, Freja Erixån, Ewa Ess, Kajsa Gullberg, Ossian Gustavsson, Jimmy Herdberg, Karin Hjertstrand, Göran Johansson, Kristin Jonsson, Berit Lindfeldt, Bo Ljungcrantz, Jenny Magnusson & Patrik Elgström, Nils-Erik Mattsson, Pia Mauno, Fredrik Nielsen, Linda Spåman, Åsa Norberg & Jennie Sundén, Hendrik Zeitler, Josefine Östberg Olsson

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Artwork by JMY